Select Weather Forecast Office:
NWS Baltimore, MD/Washington, DC/Sterling, VA Weather Forecast Office
NWS Public Information Statement
County Warning Area [CWA]: LWX
Regional NWS Weather Office: Baltimore, MD/Washington, DC/Sterling, VA
County Warning Area [CWA]: LWX
Regional NWS Weather Office: Baltimore, MD/Washington, DC/Sterling, VA
026 NOUS41 KLWX 070354 PNSLWX DCZ001-MDZ001-003>006-008-011-013-014-016>018-501>508-VAZ025>031- 036>040-050>057-501>508-WVZ050>053-055-501>506-071554- Public Information Statement Spotter Reports National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1054 PM EST Thu Mar 06 2025 The following are unofficial wind gust observations taken during the past 21 hours for the storm that has been affecting our region. This summary also is available on our home page at **************PEAK WIND GUST (AT LEAST 46 MPH)************** LOCATION MAX WIND TIME/DATE COMMENTS GUST MEASURED (mph) MARYLAND ...Allegany County... I-68 At Savage Mt 46 253 AM 3/06 Mesonet ...Anne Arundel County... BWI Marshall Airport 47 557 PM 3/06 ASOS ...ANZ531... Hart/Miller 47 224 PM 3/06 Mesonet ...ANZ532... ; MD 48 430 PM 3/06 Mesonet ...ANZ536... Potomac Lt 33 46 436 PM 3/06 Mesonet ...ANZ537... Hull Neck 5 NNE 51 536 PM 3/06 NDBC ...Baltimore County... Bentley Springs 4 NN 46 139 PM 3/06 Mesonet ...Baltimore City... Fells Point 2 WNW 47 1234 PM 3/06 Mesonet ...Carroll County... Millers 4 NE 48 600 PM 3/06 Co-Op Observer ...Cecil County... North East MD-Landfi 54 715 PM 3/06 DEOS2 Hollywood Beach 1 N 46 439 PM 3/06 Mesonet ...Frederick County... Sabillasville 3 SSW 59 154 AM 3/06 AWOS ...Garrett County... I-68 At Us 219 54 1233 PM 3/06 Mesonet Frostburg 5 WNW 52 315 PM 3/06 Mesonet Grantsville 1 S 49 114 PM 3/06 Mesonet Grantsville 3 W 49 1014 AM 3/06 Mesonet ...St. Marys County... Webster Field 47 448 PM 3/06 AWOS Patuxent River NAS 46 714 PM 3/06 AWOS ...Washington County... Hagerstown Rgnl Arpt 53 939 PM 3/06 ASOS Warrenton 2 SSE 46 204 PM 3/06 Mesonet VIRGINIA ...Albemarle County... White Hall 5 NNW 46 620 PM 3/06 Mesonet ...ANZ536... Quantico Marine Corp 46 350 PM 3/06 AWOS ...Arlington County... Reagan National Arpt 53 404 PM 3/06 ASOS ...Clarke County... Wadesville 3 SSW 46 1119 AM 3/06 Mesonet ...Fauquier County... Cresthill 2 N 53 152 PM 3/06 Mesonet ...Frederick County... Stephens City 3 NNW 55 1024 PM 3/06 Mesonet High View 3 NNE 52 704 PM 3/06 Mesonet High View Manor 2 SS 50 809 PM 3/06 Mesonet ...Highland County... Monterey 1 SW 47 919 PM 3/06 Mesonet ...Nelson County... Wintergreen 4 NW 60 729 AM 3/06 Mesonet WEST VIRGINIA ...Grant County... Petersburg 1 W 62 1016 PM 3/06 AWOS Bear Rocks 53 500 AM 3/06 Mesonet Streby 3 N 52 439 PM 3/06 Mesonet PETERSBURG 49 1026 PM 3/06 Mesonet ...Hardy County... Lost City 6 WNW 48 410 PM 3/06 Mesonet Moorefield 46 551 PM 3/06 Mesonet ...Mineral County... Keyser 2 SSW 55 700 AM 3/06 Co-Op Observer Rawlings 3 SE 52 1250 PM 3/06 Mesonet Ridgeville 1 WNW 51 620 PM 3/06 Mesonet Cumberland Reg 46 905 PM 3/06 AWOS ...Pendleton County... Riverton 2 NW 51 1014 AM 3/06 Mesonet Upper Tract 47 917 PM 3/06 Mesonet && *****METADATA***** :3/06/2025, 253 AM, MD, Allegany, I-68 At Savage Mt, , , 39.66, -78.95, PKGUST, 46, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 557 PM, MD, Anne Arundel, BWI Marshall Airport, , , 39.17, -76.68, PKGUST, 47, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 224 PM, MD, ANZ531, Hart/Miller, , , 39.25, -76.37, PKGUST, 47, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 430 PM, MD, ANZ532, ; MD, , , 38.88, -76.48, PKGUST, 48, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 436 PM, MD, ANZ536, Potomac Lt 33, , , 38.34, -76.99, PKGUST, 46, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 536 PM, MD, ANZ537, Hull Neck, 5, NNE, 38.03, -76.33, PKGUST, 51, mph, NDBC, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 139 PM, MD, Baltimore, Bentley Springs, 4, NNW, 39.72, -76.71, PKGUST, 46, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 1234 PM, MD, Baltimore City, Fells Point, 2, WNW, 39.27, -76.59, PKGUST, 47, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 600 PM, MD, Carroll, Millers, 4, NE, 39.72, -76.80, PKGUST, 48, mph, Co-Op Observer, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 715 PM, MD, Cecil, North East MD-Landfill, , , 39.60, -75.91, PKGUST, 54, mph, DEOS2, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 439 PM, MD, Cecil, Hollywood Beach, 1, N, 39.52, -75.91, PKGUST, 46, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 154 AM, MD, Frederick, Sabillasville, 3, SSW, 39.65, -77.47, PKGUST, 59, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 1233 PM, MD, Garrett, I-68 At Us 219, , , 39.69, -79.25, PKGUST, 54, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 315 PM, MD, Garrett, Frostburg, 5, WNW, 39.69, -79.01, PKGUST, 52, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 114 PM, MD, Garrett, Grantsville, 1, S, 39.68, -79.16, PKGUST, 49, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 1014 AM, MD, Garrett, Grantsville, 3, W, 39.70, -79.22, PKGUST, 49, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 448 PM, MD, St. Marys, Webster Field, , , 38.15, -76.43, PKGUST, 47, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 714 PM, MD, St. Marys, Patuxent River NAS, , , 38.27, -76.40, PKGUST, 46, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 939 PM, MD, Washington, Hagerstown Rgnl Arpt, , , 39.70, -77.73, PKGUST, 53, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 204 PM, MD, Washington, Warrenton, 2, SSE, 39.69, -77.76, PKGUST, 46, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 620 PM, VA, Albemarle, White Hall, 5, NNW, 38.19, -78.69, PKGUST, 46, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 350 PM, VA, ANZ536, Quantico Marine Corp, , , 38.51, -77.30, PKGUST, 46, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 404 PM, VA, Arlington, Reagan National Arpt, , , 38.85, -77.03, PKGUST, 53, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 1119 AM, VA, Clarke, Wadesville, 3, SSW, 39.20, -78.06, PKGUST, 46, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 152 PM, VA, Fauquier, Cresthill, 2, N, 38.80, -78.01, PKGUST, 53, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 1024 PM, VA, Frederick, Stephens City, 3, NNW, 39.14, -78.25, PKGUST, 55, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 704 PM, VA, Frederick, High View, 3, NNE, 39.27, -78.39, PKGUST, 52, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 809 PM, VA, Frederick, High View Manor, 2, SSE, 39.13, -78.30, PKGUST, 50, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 919 PM, VA, Highland, Monterey, 1, SW, 38.40, -79.60, PKGUST, 47, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 729 AM, VA, Nelson, Wintergreen, 4, NW, 37.92, -78.95, PKGUST, 60, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 1016 PM, WV, Grant, Petersburg, 1, W, 39.00, -79.15, PKGUST, 62, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 500 AM, WV, Grant, Bear Rocks, , , 39.08, -79.30, PKGUST, 53, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 439 PM, WV, Grant, Streby, 3, N, 39.13, -79.25, PKGUST, 52, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 1026 PM, WV, Grant, PETERSBURG, , , 39.00, -79.18, PKGUST, 49, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 410 PM, WV, Hardy, Lost City, 6, WNW, 38.95, -78.94, PKGUST, 48, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 551 PM, WV, Hardy, Moorefield, , , 39.04, -79.05, PKGUST, 46, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 700 AM, WV, Mineral, Keyser, 2, SSW, 39.42, -79.01, PKGUST, 55, mph, Co-Op Observer, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 1250 PM, WV, Mineral, Rawlings, 3, SE, 39.51, -78.84, PKGUST, 52, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 620 PM, WV, Mineral, Ridgeville, 1, WNW, 39.35, -79.01, PKGUST, 51, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 905 PM, WV, Mineral, Cumberland Reg, , , 39.62, -78.77, PKGUST, 46, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 1014 AM, WV, Pendleton, Riverton, 2, NW, 38.76, -79.46, PKGUST, 51, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, :3/06/2025, 917 PM, WV, Pendleton, Upper Tract, , , 38.82, -79.28, PKGUST, 47, mph, Mesonet, Peak Wind Gust, $$ ADS
Public Information Statement from: NOAA-NWS |
Script developed by: El Dorado Weather & modified by: SE Lincoln Weather |